Hi there.
The UEF Coop-Campaign Maps "Vaccine" and "Forge" both bug out when you're told to escort civilians to a quantum gate. Bringing the required civilians into the designated area doesn't do anything.
On "Vaccine" we got a cutscene that told us, that Dr.Sweeney left the planet but the game didn't expand the mission area and didn't check the "Escort Dr Sweeny to the Quantum Gate" Icon in the upper right corner.
On "Forge" only 8 out of the required 12 vehicles spawned and we weren't able to complete this mission as well.
And finally: "Stone Wall" doens't spawn the second commander in COOP-Mode. I could chat and ping but my ACU didn't appear on the map. My friend could play normally but didn't get any map-objectives and the AI doesn't seem to be working on that map also.
On a sidenote:
not sure if this is a bug, but unit/building sharing seems to be deactivated on all maps - which is quite annoying on some maps.