Hey guys,
I'm playing FAF for years and about 3 weeks ago after a few patches were released I was left completely unable to play FAF MP. Oh and I was donating cash for a while! ;D
In logs, I always get these errors:
2016-04-03 12:53:17,127 INFO fa.upnp UPnP mapping
2016-04-03 12:53:17,128 ERROR fa.upnp Couldn't get StaticPortMappingCollection
All the ports were opened and checked and are confirmed to be opened. I have 0 problems in playing pretty much all the games around the globe, but FAF I can no longer play. When I try to connect to lobbies 95% of the times I will be stuck on CONNECTING screen. In 5% of cases when I manage to connect to game lobbies, about at least 50% of people I wont connect to every time. I was playing FAF daily and I was able to play 1 match in the past about a month, needles to say that I fully gave up on even trying.
I've noticed that if I connect to lobbies, and then if people rejoin whom I'm not connected with, I would sometimes get the connection. Of course getting half the people to reconnect to lobbies every time I can't connect properly hasn't been going too well.
I have nothing else to try that I'm aware of. So I'm at FAF watching replays for the time being but once those run out, ... :"( SEND HELP, please, thanks