Game #4721136
I queued up support upgrading t1 mex, a bunch of move orders and manual reclaim commands, then 3 t1 land factories.
After the t2 mex was completed, my ACU stopped accepting commands and stood still. I wouldn't execute commands for the rest of the game. Here is what I tried:
- Press stop and try to move.
- Start and stop upgrade, try to move.
- Delete first order in the queue I had given before it got stuck.
- Use t2 transport to pick it up.
None of it worked. Upgrades stood still at 0% progress. Pause was obviously not enabled.
I haven't tried to narrow down the exact cause or reproduce the bug, but I have heard other players have reported the same happens to them sometimes.
Edit: I think a Mantis stepped over a stone while I wanted to reclaim it. This has now escalated into a "Cybran OP" thread.