I recently introduced Forged Alliance on a Lanparty that I regulary attend. I fiddled around with the FAF/SCFA files to create a single archive (game/fafres/mod/maps) which I could give to people, so the only thing left for them to do, is start the game. That works fine for the most part but one problem remains:
I would like the game to NOT quit to system after a game is finished, it's anoying. This however is the default behavior of the FA.exe in FAF/bin, any idea how I can change that?
I am well aware of the general policy about "use the FAF Client", however previous Lan Parties have shown that people don't want to start creating accounts to play with the FAFClient (some did after the last one where I offered my "offline version") and internet connection is also no certainty.
Merry Chistmas everybody