Recently we got our connection upgraded from a 65/65mbit connection to a 300/300. The ISP did setup a new box with us when they did this upgrade. After calling them they enabled UPnP in the router which I was unable to do myself. This does not seem to be better though. The old connection used a modem and my own router behind it where the new system the ISP put up is a router in it self that I am directly connected to.
I have since the upgrade had connection issues in many games, but FAF is the only one where port forwarding does not work. I tried changing it from 6112 to 7002 and opening UDP to both. I also tried TCP and UDP for both ports. Nothing here has worked so far. Joining others I will often see "connecting" to a player name for most players inside a lobby, yet everyone else connects fine.
I should say the ports to report as open using portforwardings tool.
When we do get a game up and running I often disconnect after 10-20 minutes of playtime from everyone in the game, yet when I quit the game will continue as I am the problem. Any help would be appreciated as there is nothing better than the end a long day with some good games of FAF.