After last update my game start crashing after I start play a game with others people. Before patch 3681 I play once with patch 3680 with mods enabled - mods was allow after update 3680, and others mods was disabled and I didn't enable them. That game worked fine and was successfully completed.
So after successfully game with patch 3680 I installed new version of notify mod from http____://forums.faforever.com/viewtopic.php?f=41&t=9556&start=30#p148494, update my Windows 10 x64 up to Creatures update and then I got patch 3681. I cleared my game files because I couldn't join to any lobbies.
After that my first game was crashed on ~5 minute and I disabled the mod. The game client didn't show any window with crash logs. Just my Windows 10 said that application was stopped unexpectedly. I set checkbox in Options->Settings->Save game logs
Then I join to other game, start to play and game was crash on ~30 minute and I've still no get any client window with crash logs.
I check my log files in C:\ProgramData\FAForever\logs, but don't see any interesting
I restart second and then first replays of that games and replay didn't crash.
Any suggestions? Can you help me, please?