So I've noticed that Supcom randomly black-screens my computer in the midst of mid to late game, often when I click on an object, and about 99% of the time it leads to my video card disconnecting from the system(i.e. crashes with a hardware disconnect noise) while the rest of the machine runs fine. Rarely does it disconnect and nothing works at all, but, in a nutshell, no matter which of the ways it disconnects, I have to reboot to get video again. Supcom, however, stays running until reboot...
Well, today I survived such a crash. And I had monitoring running. And I noticed something peculiar... my GPU usage spiked to 400000% for a second. Somehow it didn't nuke the device, probably because the AC is running full blast and I had my GPU fans set to run at maximum. Whatever the reason, it survived and I saw what happened.
What the heck could be causing that sudden GPU spike? That's the culprit! Something in Faforever or Supcom is nuking my GPU.
3770k overclocked to 4.2 Ghz
Nvidia 670 GTX
16 gigs of RAM
Windows 7