In the exact moment of my ACU dying, the FAF Client (not the game) crashed with the standard windows error message ("stopped working"). Then (of course) lost connection to the enemy.
Replay ID:
(I watched the replay, there my client does NOT crash)
I guess the line
- Code: Select all
pywintypes.com_error: (-2147352567, 'Ausnahmefehler aufgetreten.', (0, None, None, None, 0, -2147220983), None)
Nothing like this ever happened to me before.
I will update this post if it happens again.
Annd it happened again...
I use the following UI Mods:
-Common Mod Tools v1.0
-Notifications v5.2
-Supreme Score Board v2.0
-UI Party v13.0
-V2 FA Sequentially Upgrading Extractors v4.0
-Advanced Strategic Icons Mod
Since the bug does not happen every time I die, I cannot practically reproduce.
But news: It happened twice in a laddergame and once in a lobby-based game.
Another thing I noticed:
The replays of crash-on-death-games do not show up in my Local Archive, only on the Online Vault. Maybe that helps too