Cant play or watch replays [SOLVED]

This is for troubleshooting of problems with the FAF client and Forged Alliance game.

Moderator: PhilipJFry

Cant play or watch replays

Postby This_Guy » 29 Dec 2017, 10:36

Hey all, been on holidays for a week, and i returned and i cant play or watch replays.

When i try to play a game or watch a replay i am required to download a file called; textures.3690.nx2-textures.3695.nx2.

It gets to 50% download then an error message occurs.

The error message states as followed;

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "src\games\", line 68, in _launch_game
File "src\fa\", line 133, in check
File "src\fa\", line 299, in run
File "src\fa\", line 571, in doUpdate
File "src\fa\", line 763, in failureDialog
Exception: Update started at 2017-12-29 18:26:44
Using appdata: C:\ProgramData\FAForever
Connected to update server at 2017-12-29 18:26:46
handleAction(LIST_FILES_TO_UP) - 324 bytes
Files to update: [ForgedAlliance.exe, init_faf.lua, init_ladder1v1.lua, GDFBinary.dll, SupComDataPath.lua, SupComDataPathFAF.lua, init_nonxt.lua]
writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, init_nonxt.lua, 16da7063ae3309c154a2c544f559b3a9])
writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, init_faf.lua, 453056145eb17db9adf48a25eb1a7fd6])
writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, SupComDataPath.lua, 55ac1ef97845f2291da64b830299331e])
writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, SupComDataPathFAF.lua, 962c9d1327657d77184adcf358c628f1])
writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, init_ladder1v1.lua, ea96ac9cec88af29c08556c96465acfe])
writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, GDFBinary.dll, 6f57f59c2e705d7a5a02d49e3915cb26])
writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, ForgedAlliance.exe, d8b89bd62950a6a2086b54a2370475e4])
handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 56 bytes
file : init_nonxt.lua
init_nonxt.lua is up to date.
handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 52 bytes
file : init_faf.lua
init_faf.lua is up to date.
handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
file : SupComDataPath.lua
SupComDataPath.lua is up to date.
handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 70 bytes
file : SupComDataPathFAF.lua
SupComDataPathFAF.lua is up to date.
handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
file : init_ladder1v1.lua
init_ladder1v1.lua is up to date.
handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 54 bytes
file : GDFBinary.dll
GDFBinary.dll is up to date.
handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
file : ForgedAlliance.exe
ForgedAlliance.exe is up to date.
Updates applied successfully.
handleAction(LIST_FILES_TO_UP) - 374 bytes
Files to update: [faforever.faf, effects.nx2, env.nx2, loc.nx2, lua.nx2, meshes.nx2, modules.nx2, projectiles.nx2, schook.nx2, textures.nx2, units.nx2, etc.nx2]
writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, effects.nx2, a853502e1acccedeab17e3539ff8a3a7])
writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, textures.nx2, 2df6e406d1438135c320495fcae11c88])
writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, loc.nx2, fa3243f4d1eb4f6024621a0ab48ca3fb])
writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, schook.nx2, 38ca68aa6701e2f7109ba94f5b162e89])
writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, lua.nx2, 849fe38a6eac1c64bc946217c29b73cc])
writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, etc.nx2, fdec988ed84d4cfc5e23c27846a9dc2e])
writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, modules.nx2, 8eaeb838a8a6f2585351d50e4a20d5d9])
writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, env.nx2, 1368d38815b348e252b30d49450d629e])
writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, units.nx2, bdf4c1bc7b22d6dd2c59aa8816acbdce])
writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, meshes.nx2, e02319ccd09dc9b94d0d6b72c4b29f0b])
writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, faforever.faf, 51c196294638c22071dc8ee01e55771e])
writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, projectiles.nx2, a45bf61ef5bab5507e660c312204d3fa])
handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 50 bytes
file : effects.nx2
effects.nx2 is up to date.
handleAction(SEND_PATCH_URL) - 248 bytes
Failed to update file :'(
handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 42 bytes
file : loc.nx2
loc.nx2 is up to date.
handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 48 bytes
file : schook.nx2
schook.nx2 is up to date.
handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 42 bytes
file : lua.nx2
lua.nx2 is up to date.
handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 42 bytes
file : etc.nx2
etc.nx2 is up to date.
handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 50 bytes
file : modules.nx2
modules.nx2 is up to date.
handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 42 bytes
file : env.nx2
env.nx2 is up to date.
handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 46 bytes
file : units.nx2
units.nx2 is up to date.
handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 48 bytes
file : meshes.nx2
meshes.nx2 is up to date.
handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 54 bytes
file : faforever.faf
faforever.faf is up to date.
handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 58 bytes
file : projectiles.nx2
projectiles.nx2 is up to date.
TIMEOUT: Connection timed out while waiting for data.
Disconnected from server at 2017-12-29 18:31:12

Runtime info:

FAF Username: This_Guy
FAF Version: 0.16.1-rc.2+252
FAF Environment: production
FAF Directory: C:\ProgramData\FAForever
FA Path: : C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance
Home Directory: C:/Users/nath0/OneDrive/Documents
Platform: Windows-10-10.0.16299
Uname: uname_result(system='Windows', node='LAPTOP-QVSE1U4E', release='10', version='10.0.16299', machine='AMD64', processor='Intel64 Family 6 Model 78 Stepping 3, GenuineIntel')

I have uninstalled and reinstalled faf, as well as trying to dl file with firewall down. So thus i am unsure what else to do. Perhaps someone could send this file to me, or another solution can be found.

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Re: Cant play or watch replays

Postby PhilipJFry » 29 Dec 2017, 11:29

Try clearing the game files via the FAF client -> options -> clear data -> game files
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Re: Cant play or watch replays

Postby This_Guy » 29 Dec 2017, 11:58

Well, somehow i didnt even think to try that.

However it did not work. The dl's also take FOREVER to load, like 30second for a 1mb dl (which is significantly slower than normal).

Also, any file over 7mb did not dl, all coming up with an error message that it could not be completed. Only files 1mb or lower were completed.

No other programs on my computer are having issues with internet connection, so its not that. Must be something with faf/my computer not syncing.
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Re: Cant play or watch replays  [SOLVED]

Postby PhilipJFry » 29 Dec 2017, 12:45

try this
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Re: Cant play or watch replays

Postby This_Guy » 29 Dec 2017, 13:19

After getting the updated files from philip the game works again. Thanks a lot for the assist Philip. <3
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