Since the fix seems to be in place for IPv6, I tried turning on IPv6 again on my adapter. Seems to be working for the What's new page, the vaults et cetera.
However, I have a personal problem which I need some help with.
My connection seems to not map the 6112 port correctly with uPNP when IPv6 is enabled.
I logged in three times to show this:
- 1st time at 17:09 with IPv4 -> maps port correctly with uPNP, no errors in the log
- 2nd time at 17:11 with IPv6 -> error in uPNP (pasted the error underneath)
- 3rd time at 17:18 with IPv4 -> maps port correctly with uPNP, no errors in the log
- Code: Select all
2018-01-28 17:11:43,219 ERROR fa.upnp Exception in UPnP createPortMapping.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "src\fa\", line 37, in createPortMapping
File "<COMObject <unknown>>", line 4, in Add
pywintypes.com_error: (-2147352567, 'Er is een uitzondering opgetreden.', (0, None, None, None, 0, -2147220984), None)
I rechecked my router settings which clearly show that uPNP is enabled both for IPv4 and IPv6. So I'm not sure why it's only working with IPv4.
I attached this log so you can check it out.
Hope anyone can help me ! Thanks alot.
Kind regards