SC, FA, FAF hitching during gameplay. Can I get some help?

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SC, FA, FAF hitching during gameplay. Can I get some help?

Postby TheFunMachine » 06 Feb 2018, 17:20


So, I would really like to get back into the Supreme Commander universe and I am impressed by the FAF community.

However re-downloading off of steam and trying to play the game smoothly has yielded some interesting and frustrating challenges. Basically, I can run the game no problem on paper, yet during my test runs of the first missions for both the base game, FA and FAF, I experience this weird hitching issue during play where the game just hangs for about a second or two in semi-random intervals. It's really annoying. During these hangs, the sound effects still play.

So far, I haven't been able to find really any posts except for one off of a forum almost a decade ago, but that went unresolved as far as I can tell. I've tried various different compatibility modes, running administrator, tweaking all the graphics settings, reinstalling dx from the client folders. I'm honestly stumped. My PC shouldn't have any serious difficulty with this game.

I'm using:

i5 4690k on an ASUS z79 - a mobo, GTX 970, 16GB DDR3, Win10 64.

Has anyone here dealt with a similar issue? I would really appreciate some help here, as I have been a huge admirer of these games, but for the life of me I cannot pinpoint the specific issue.

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Re: SC, FA, FAF hitching during gameplay. Can I get some hel

Postby Uveso » 06 Feb 2018, 18:20

Hello TheFunMachine,

there is no know issue at the moment htats cause the game to stutter.
Maybe your game.log can help.

See the red text above "Read this before posting here" for more information.
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Re: SC, FA, FAF hitching during gameplay. Can I get some hel

Postby EcoNoob » 07 Feb 2018, 16:33

Is your GTX 970 standard overclocked by the manufacturer? I have this same problem on other games, underclocking fixes it for me.
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