This is my second try on writing this, because the forum logged me out and I lost the whole post. Today is just not my day.
First of all thanks to everyone who takes the time reading this and trying to help me.
So, yesterday everything was fine. Faf ran like a champ, I had dual screens set up (via the normal second adapter option within the game. Apparently people say it is not working, but it did for me. At least until now), and I was a happy little commander.
Then I sorted my cables, unplugged my monitors while doing that, and now everything is broken.
To give you a rough overview: (Yes I got rid of all mods)
My FPS are abysmal. If I put all video-options to the lowest possible level, I get 60fps when zoomed in the max with only one unit on the field.
Putting only fidelity to medium will reduce this to 18 fps max.
I think it has something to do with the resolution, because when I go into window mode, I can influence the FPS heavily by resizing the window. I get nearly 10 frames when I stretch it over both screens. Isn't that great?
Not that important, but maybe worth taking a note: My previous working dual screen setup stopped. My second monitor ignores now the settings for the secondary adapter, but my main screen will change its resolution to something around 800x450 when I put anything in there. It will also keep that in any later game I start until I disable the adapter again.
I don't even know where to beginn.
My specs are:
Win 10 (64)
Intel i7-2600K (I did not overclock it) @3.40GHz 3.70GHz
16GB Ram ddr3
Geforce 580
Good old supcom. I can record battlefield 3 on 50fps on high graphics, but my computer becomes a potato once I join this game.
A little edit:
I just made my secondary monitor (an old TV) my main and started the game on it. It looks horrible, butu I have way better fps. What the heck is going on?