When attempting to open a game from the lobby the game attempts to load then crashes with the error "unable to create direct 3d device, make sure your drivers are up to date". the computer is brand new (literally just got it today) and i have downloaded direct x and made sure all drivers were fully updated.
info: mounting maps from: C:\Users\Admin\Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\maps\
info: checking C:\Users\Admin\Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\maps\
info: mounting maps from: C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\..\user\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\maps\
info: checking C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\..\user\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\maps\
info: checking C:\Users\Admin\Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\mods
info: checking C:\Users\Admin\Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\maps
info: checking C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\..\user\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\mods
info: checking C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\..\user\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\maps
info: checking C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\..\gamedata\*.nxt
info: checking C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\..\gamedata\*.nx2
info: checking C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\*.scd
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\users\admin\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\12_you_shall_not_pass.v0002', mounted as '/maps/12_you_shall_not_pass.v0002/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\users\admin\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\astro_crater_re.v0007', mounted as '/maps/astro_crater_re.v0007/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\users\admin\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\dual_gap_fix.v0004.v0004', mounted as '/maps/dual_gap_fix.v0004.v0004/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\users\admin\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\dual_gap_v5.6.v0001', mounted as '/maps/dual_gap_v5.6.v0001/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\users\admin\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\gap_of_rohan_v4_fixed_pathing.v0004', mounted as '/maps/gap_of_rohan_v4_fixed_pathing.v0004/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\users\admin\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\#quality of performance', mounted as '/mods/#quality of performance/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\users\admin\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\exmex', mounted as '/mods/exmex/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\users\admin\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\rescources x2', mounted as '/mods/rescources x2/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\users\admin\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\storagerich_x5', mounted as '/mods/storagerich_x5/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\users\admin\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\ultra shields', mounted as '/mods/ultra shields/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\users\admin\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\x2 build range', mounted as '/mods/x2 build range/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\users\admin\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\12_you_shall_not_pass.v0002', mounted as '/maps/12_you_shall_not_pass.v0002/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\users\admin\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\astro_crater_re.v0007', mounted as '/maps/astro_crater_re.v0007/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\users\admin\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\dual_gap_fix.v0004.v0004', mounted as '/maps/dual_gap_fix.v0004.v0004/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\users\admin\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\dual_gap_v5.6.v0001', mounted as '/maps/dual_gap_v5.6.v0001/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\users\admin\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\gap_of_rohan_v4_fixed_pathing.v0004', mounted as '/maps/gap_of_rohan_v4_fixed_pathing.v0004/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\gamedata\effects.nx2', mounted as '/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\gamedata\env.nx2', mounted as '/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\gamedata\etc.nx2', mounted as '/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\gamedata\loc.nx2', mounted as '/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\gamedata\lua.nx2', mounted as '/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\gamedata\meshes.nx2', mounted as '/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\gamedata\modules.nx2', mounted as '/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\gamedata\projectiles.nx2', mounted as '/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\gamedata\schook.nx2', mounted as '/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\gamedata\textures.nx2', mounted as '/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\gamedata\units.nx2', mounted as '/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\ambience.scd', mounted as '/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\editor.scd', mounted as '/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\effects.scd', mounted as '/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\env.scd', mounted as '/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\loc_us.scd', mounted as '/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\lua.scd', mounted as '/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\meshes.scd', mounted as '/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\mods.scd', mounted as '/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\mohodata.scd', mounted as '/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\moholua.scd', mounted as '/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\objects.scd', mounted as '/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\projectiles.scd', mounted as '/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\props.scd', mounted as '/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\schook.scd', mounted as '/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\skins.scd', mounted as '/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\textures.scd', mounted as '/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\units.scd', mounted as '/'
info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance', mounted as '/'
warning: Can't open lua file "C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\..\Installed.Prefs"
warning: unable to load Installed.Prefs; using empty initial prefs
info: Hooked /lua/userInit.lua with /schook/lua/userInit.lua
info: Hooked /lua/globalInit.lua with /schook/lua/globalInit.lua
info: MD5 of global settings: d2a23d6464d3fd77956e7648c43b5077
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/aeonselect.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c3ca88
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'aeonselect' at 4c3ca88
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ambienttest.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c3cbb8
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ambienttest' at 4c3cbb8
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/cybranselect.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c3cce8
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'cybranselect' at 4c3cce8
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/explosions.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c3ce18
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'explosions' at 4c3ce18
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/explosionsstream.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'explosionsstream' at 4c3cf48
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/fmv_bg.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'fmv_bg' at 4c3e4b8
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/impacts.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c3f620
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'impacts' at 4c3f620
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/interface.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c3f750
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'interface' at 4c3f750
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/music.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'music' at 4c3f880
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/op_briefing.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'op_briefing' at 4c409e8
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/seraphimselect.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c41b50
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'seraphimselect' at 4c41b50
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uaa.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c41c80
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uaa' at 4c41c80
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uaadestroy.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c41db0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uaadestroy' at 4c41db0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uaaweapon.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c41ee0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uaaweapon' at 4c41ee0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uab.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c42010
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uab' at 4c42010
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ual.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c42140
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ual' at 4c42140
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ualdestroy.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c42270
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ualdestroy' at 4c42270
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ualweapon.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c423a0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ualweapon' at 4c423a0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uas.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c424d0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uas' at 4c424d0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uasdestroy.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uasdestroy' at 4c42600
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uasweapon.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c43768
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uasweapon' at 4c43768
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uea.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c43898
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uea' at 4c43898
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ueadestroy.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c444e8
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ueadestroy' at 4c444e8
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ueaweapon.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c443b0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ueaweapon' at 4c443b0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ueb.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c44140
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ueb' at 4c44140
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uefselect.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c44278
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uefselect' at 4c44278
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uel.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c43d98
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uel' at 4c43d98
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ueldestroy.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c43ed0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ueldestroy' at 4c43ed0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uelweapon.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c43b28
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uelweapon' at 4c43b28
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ues.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c44008
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ues' at 4c44008
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uesdestroy.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uesdestroy' at 4c449d0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uesweapon.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c44620
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uesweapon' at 4c44620
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/unitrumble.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c43c60
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'unitrumble' at 4c43c60
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/unitsglobal.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c44758
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'unitsglobal' at 4c44758
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ura.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c44890
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ura' at 4c44890
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uradestroy.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c439f0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uradestroy' at 4c439f0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uraweapon.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c45dd0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uraweapon' at 4c45dd0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/urb.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c46178
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'urb' at 4c46178
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/url.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c463e8
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'url' at 4c463e8
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/urldestroy.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c462b0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'urldestroy' at 4c462b0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/urlweapon.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c45c98
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'urlweapon' at 4c45c98
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/urs.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c47630
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'urs' at 4c47630
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ursdestroy.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ursdestroy' at 4c47b40
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ursstream.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ursstream' at 4c48ca8
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ursweapon.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c45f08
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ursweapon' at 4c45f08
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xaa_weapon.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c47150
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xaa_weapon' at 4c47150
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xab.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c46b38
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xab' at 4c46b38
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xal.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c47768
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xal' at 4c47768
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xal_weapon.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c46040
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xal_weapon' at 4c46040
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xas.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c46ee0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xas' at 4c46ee0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xas_weapons.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c47288
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xas_weapons' at 4c47288
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xea.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c46520
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xea' at 4c46520
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xea_weapons.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c46658
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xea_weapons' at 4c46658
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xeb.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c474f8
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xeb' at 4c474f8
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xel.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c46790
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xel' at 4c46790
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xel_weapons.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c46c70
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xel_weapons' at 4c46c70
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xes.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c473c0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xes' at 4c473c0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xes_destroy.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xes_destroy' at 4c49e10
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xes_weapons.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c478a0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xes_weapons' at 4c478a0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xra.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c479d8
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xra' at 4c479d8
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xra_weapon.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c46da8
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xra_weapon' at 4c46da8
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xrb.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c45b60
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xrb' at 4c45b60
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xrl.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c468c8
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xrl' at 4c468c8
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xrl_stream.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xrl_stream' at 4c4af78
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xrl_weapon.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c46a00
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xrl_weapon' at 4c46a00
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xrs.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c47018
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xrs' at 4c47018
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xrs_weapon.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c4c720
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xrs_weapon' at 4c4c720
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xsa.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c4de48
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xsa' at 4c4de48
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xsa_destroy.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c4ce70
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xsa_destroy' at 4c4ce70
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xsa_weapon.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c4c240
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xsa_weapon' at 4c4c240
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xsb.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c4d6f8
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xsb' at 4c4d6f8
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xsb_weapon.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c4d0e0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xsb_weapon' at 4c4d0e0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xsl.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c4d218
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xsl' at 4c4d218
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xsl_destroy.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c4d350
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xsl_destroy' at 4c4d350
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xsl_weapon.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c4c4b0
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xsl_weapon' at 4c4c4b0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xss.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c4cfa8
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xss' at 4c4cfa8
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xss_destroy.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xss_destroy' at 4c4e0e8
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xss_weapon.xwb") => false
debug: Wavebank prepared: 4c4c858
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xss_weapon' at 4c4c858
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ambienttest'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'explosions'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'fmv_bg'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'impacts'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'interface'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'music'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'op_briefing'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'seraphimselect'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uaa'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uaadestroy'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uaaweapon'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uab'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ual'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ualdestroy'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ualweapon'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uas'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uasdestroy'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uasweapon'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uea'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ueadestroy'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ueaweapon'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ueb'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uel'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ueldestroy'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uelweapon'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ues'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uesdestroy'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uesweapon'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'unitrumble'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'unitsglobal'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ura'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uradestroy'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uraweapon'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'urb'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'url'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'urldestroy'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'urlweapon'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'urs'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ursdestroy'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ursstream'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ursweapon'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xaa'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xaa_weapon'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xab'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xal'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xal_weapon'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xas'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xas_weapon'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xca'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xcb'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xcl'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xcs'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xea'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xea_weapon'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xeb'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xel'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xel_weapons'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xes'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xes_destroy'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xes_weapons'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xra'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xra_weapon'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xrb'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xrl'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xrl_destroy'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xrl_stream'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xrl_weapon'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xrs'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xrs_weapon'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xsa'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xsa_destroy'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xsa_weapon'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xsb'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xsb_weapon'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xsl'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xsl_destroy'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xsl_weapon'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xss'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xss_destroy'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xss_weapon'
debug: MEM: -2112289020 bytes SND
info: MD5 of global settings: d2a23d6464d3fd77956e7648c43b5077
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/briefings.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'briefings' at 4c78920
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/seraphim_language.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'seraphim_language' at 4c79a88
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/x01_vo.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'x01_vo' at 4c7b320
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/x02_vo.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'x02_vo' at 4c7b488
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/x03_vo.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'x03_vo' at 4c7aee8
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/x04_vo.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'x04_vo' at 4c7ac18
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/x05_vo.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'x05_vo' at 4c7b050
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/x06_vo.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'x06_vo' at 4c7b1b8
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/x1t_vo.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'x1t_vo' at 4c7b5f0
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/x_fmv.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'x_fmv' at 4c7ad80
info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/xgg.xwb") => true
debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xgg' at 4c7b758
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'briefings'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'x01_vo'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'x02_vo'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'x03_vo'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'x04_vo'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'x05_vo'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'x06_vo'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'x1t_vo'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'x_fmv'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xgg'
debug: MEM: -796091502 bytes SND
info: MD5 of global settings: d2a23d6464d3fd77956e7648c43b5077
debug: MEM: -796091502 bytes SND
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/sim/buffdefinitions.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/sim/adjacencybuffs.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/sim/adjacencybufffunctions.lua\000'
info: Hooked /lua/sim/adjacencybufffunctions.lua with /schook/lua/sim/adjacencybufffunctions.lua
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/sim/cheatbuffs.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/user/prefs.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/options/optionslogic.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/ui/uiutil.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/lazyvar.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/maui/layouthelpers.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/maui/group.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/maui/control.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/maui/text.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/maui/multilinetext.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/maui/button.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/maui/bitmap.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/maui/dragger.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/maui/edit.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/utf.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/ui/controls/checkbox.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/maui/radiobuttons.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/maui/checkbox.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/maui/border.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/maui/scrollbar.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/maui/cursor.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/ui/controls/border.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/ui/controls/ninepatch.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/maui/itemlist.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/skins/layouts.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/ui/controls/popups/popup.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/ui/dialogs/eschandler.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/system/utils.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/ui/controls/popups/inputdialog.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/skins/skins.lua\000'
info: /savereplay
info: REPLAY ID: 8035305
info: adding font file /fonts/arial.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/arialbd.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/arialbi.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/ariali.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/arialn.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/arialnb.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/arialnbi.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/arialni.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/ariblk.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/arlrdbd.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/butterbe.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/vdub.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/wintermu.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/zeroes_3.ttf
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/keymap/keynames.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/keymap/keymapper.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/keymap/keydescriptions.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/keymap/defaultkeymap.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/keymap/keyactions.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/keymap/debugkeyactions.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/options/options.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/usermusic.lua\000'
warning: GAL Exception: file : c:\work\rts\main\code\src\libs\gpggal\DeviceD3D9.cpp(189)
error: unable to create device
warning: GAL Exception: file : c:\work\rts\main\code\src\libs\gpggal\DeviceD3D9.cpp(189)
error: unable to create device