How to make cclean.exe and cmax.exe to auto start?

This is for troubleshooting of problems with the FAF client and Forged Alliance game.

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How to make cclean.exe and cmax.exe to auto start?

Postby Rathik » 07 Aug 2012, 17:59

I have been using this tools for a very long time.
When i start the game normally (from its desktop shortcut) they auto start just fine.

But when i start a game via FAF they fail to start. I am guessing FAF is bypassing the original SupComDataPath.lua and its using its own file.
To have those tools start with the normal game launch you need to add this lines in SupComDataPath.lua

os.execute("start cclean.exe ForgedAlliance.exe high")
os.execute("start cmax.exe")

So in which file do i need to add those commands in order for FAF to start them when launching a game via FAF?

I hope this post is clear enough :D

Let me know if is not.

Core Cleaner (cclean.exe) by Superdog <[email protected]>

12/13/2007 v1.0

This was originally designed to enhance multicore effeciency for the RTS game Supreme Commander, but it could also be used on any other game or application.

The tool will move all non-system processes to the last CPU core of a dual core or quad core computer, leaving more room for an application that heavily utilizes the first core(s). It could also assign process priority to the specified application (optional).

General usage: cclean [name of executable] [RealTime/High/AboveNormal/Normal/BelowNormal/Low]

The cmax.exe included in the package is Core Maximizer 1.03 made by MadBoris, a SupCom specific optimizer tool (renamed the exe to make it autoload and unload together with cclean). It should be used together with the core cleaner to provide better performance boost.


Installation instruction for SC (not FA):

1. Extract cclean.exe and cmax.exe to your Supreme Commander\bin folder.

2. Find SupComDataPath.lua in the same folder, back it up, turn off read-only, then add these to the end of file:
os.execute("start cclean.exe SupremeCommander.exe high")
os.execute("start cmax.exe")

3. Done! Now both tool will auto start with the game. When you're done, press any key to unload both of them.


Installation instruction for SCFA:

1. Extract cclean.exe and cmax.exe to your Supreme Commander - Forged Alliance\bin folder.

2. Find SupComDataPath.lua in the same folder, back it up, turn off read-only, then add these to the end of file:
os.execute("start cclean.exe ForgedAlliance.exe high")
os.execute("start cmax.exe")

3. Run cmax.exe once, go to options, choose ForgedAlliance.exe, save and close.

4. Done! Now both tool will auto start with the game. When you're done, press any key to unload both of them.


To disable autostart:

Simply delete the corresponding lines in SupComDataPath.lua.

To uninstall:

Delete the corresponding lines in SupComDataPath.lua and delete both exe files.


Tools used in making cclean:

Process 2.03 by Craig Peacock

ShoveAffinity 1.0 by Adsci Engineering

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Re: How to make cclean.exe and cmax.exe to auto start?

Postby eXcalibur » 08 Aug 2012, 10:11

are you too lazy to use the search function in this forum?

i have already asked the same thing and gave an answer...
(if you can't find it: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1209)

just post your questions there (if you have any).
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