I've forwarded all ports to the correct computers, but whenever I host a game (on port 6596) I get this in the log:
- Code: Select all
info: LOBBY: rejecting unexpected connection from Vofflan.lan:6597
Now, of course, it's on the LAN so that could be the problem right? Wrong. No one else on FAF can connect to me either and the Portchecker app claims my ports are open.
We can also play just fine if we manually start FA from the binFAF folder without the lobby.
This is what happens when someone else tries to connect:
- Code: Select all
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to xx.xx.xx.xxx:6112
info: GPGNET: sending nat packet to xx.xx.xx.xxx:6112
info: NET: using deflate compression for sends to c-24-34-72-253.hsd1.ma.comcast.net:6112.
info: LOBBY: Adding peer "ProfessorOwnage" [c-24-34-72-253.hsd1.ma.comcast.net:6112, uid=2471]
This looks alright, but they never get into the lobby. Is it something I'm doing wrong somewhere?