Not trying to throw Funkoff under the bus, but he sent me here after we found out that we could not fix my problems.
As it stands, so far with my old computer I downloaded and ran FAF without any problems. Flash forward, now with the same OS
and same download methods just a new location after leaving for college I can not connect to the main FAF server, host or join any game.
When i first try to launch FAF I get this message; "The following error occurred: Network operation timed out." then "Cannot connect to central server.
Please contact an admin." Then FAF closes. this will happen twice before it lets me log in. After logging in I will not be able to connect to chat.
I can view games being hosted or search under ladder but the moment it tries to launch or start up a game it will get stuck at a black/grey screen.
I have no problems playing games with so I don't think Forged alliance is a issue. I have already tried run as administrator and according to Funkoff
I am using the right port. I think the problem lies in me not being able to connect to the FAF server, but I'm sure there could be other reasons.
Thank you for your time, sorry to bother you.