Hello. I was wondering if anyone knows what might cause a problem I've been having. Lately, Seraphim colours have not been showing up properly. They seem to be mixed up for me.
The picture shows how these Ythothas colours appear on the models, and the thumbnail in the bottom corner shows the same Ythothas in the same arrangement, but with the coloured icon's showing the colours selected for them in the lobby.
Vanilla colours when playing FA through Steam work fine, but the FAF colours are broken for me. I have reinstalled both FA and FAF twice, with no improvement.
P.S. I posted this in the "Help" forum but am re-posting this here as this seems like a more appropriate place for it. The issue appears to only happen on my end. In every replay of anyone playing Seraphim the Seraphim's colours are still broken, but no one else seems to have this issue.