You know when you want a certain colour for your army in supreme commander, you just couldn't find it. So you either have to select the colour that is closest to that one. It can be a pain sometimes. To be honest: I don't really like most of the preset colours for supcom forged alliance.
We have a cheat code to change the army colours right? Yea but the problem is that its a cheat code and that its illegial in most FAF matches. I don't get why this is a cheat code, its uneccessary for it to be a cheat code.
Well i've made a suggestion that might solve that problem.
Its a colour wheel that allows customization of army colours. To use: you must be in the lobby, click on the colour bar beside your player name, and then there is a rainbow stripe icon on the bottom of the colour list, select it and you'll see a screen that has a colour wheel inside with the usual RGB code aswell. Copying and pasting the colour code in the RGB box will work as well.
I know that you might as well say that: "We have these colours, deal with it whether you like it or not." But it sometimes matters for other players.
Needless to say: this suggested feature is entirely cosmetic, meaning that this feature will have no affect on gameplay other than your units colours.