by Apofenas » 08 Jul 2016, 05:02
T2 hover tanks are inefficient compare to dedicated land units, but still they could create a lot of problems to navy before speed on water nerf.
Compare to them Othuum has one of the most efficient dps/mass and hp/mass stats from all land units. It has good range and packs a lot of mass in one unit so it will be very hard to pack enough frigates in one area to fight mass sufficient force. And you can even increace total hp number with t3 hover shield. So for 4 othuums and one shield you get 15 cybran frigates. 36800 hp with 1600 dps vs 28500 hp with 964 dps. Got to remind that Cybran frigate is probably most efficient naval unit in game.
Sure in wast open area there won't be a lot of problems if you stay out range and shoot these with destroyers, but on hover biassed maps like Wilderness, Paradise, ect there will be no counter against it for other factions. It would make sence if sniper bot was hover, but it creates a lot of imbalance for mentioned maps. Seraphim already have big advantage there with hover t1 arty and awesome t2 hover tank.
BalanceVictim wrote:I tried it out, and yes, the anti-torpedo is a useful tool now. Sadly, the rest of the unit is still extremely weak compared to any other frig