by bigcrap757 » 29 Nov 2013, 07:36
Hi everyone, I want to talk about an idea I had for quantum gateways. What if in addition to them calling in support commanders, they could also act as teleporters and teleport units between each other. Lets say you build a quantum gateway on an island and another one on the mainland. If a unit goes into a quantum gateway on the island, it will come out on the mainland and vice versa. If you build more than two quantum gateways, then each quantum gateway is given a number and you have to select which number (quantum gateway) the unit(s) should teleport to. To balance this feature (if balance is needed) then maybe each unit that teleports costs energy and higher value units cost more energy. Another idea is that after a certain number of units teleport there is a cooldown time. What do you guys think of this idea?