First of all, I am not claiming to be a pro.
Second, if you have something personal to tell me, go do it in your bathroom, pretending I am there.
Third, yes, I am a bit in a ragemode.
And fourth, if you somehow appear to be nicknamed as "Ze_Pilot", don't answer with just "no change is planned for this". You certainly getting in hell for that.
And for the start: there is no clear explanation on wiki (which is obviously very outdated) about how the system determines rating in ladder for those, who have zero ladder games.
I am facing a lot of newbs in ladder with zero rating, and this is why I am complaining. I even have an avatar of "personal Trainer", because I don't want FAF to have so many newbs (of course, problem is kinda unsolvable from this point of view); and the first thing I tell my newby-opponent is it would have been good if he quits and I can train him, because it is not entertaining for both of us. Some people agree, but most of are underage, so they just keep saying "no, give it a try, I can do it, I am cool, I can win, yes"... Each fucking time.
My suggestion here is you divide system learning in a bit very small subdivisions.
For example:
A player has 0 rating and he sees a big shinny faction button which even says "Ranked match"! No surprise he presses it as soon as he has spotted it. Then he is required to play 3 (or what is the number for first determination of rating in current system) games against opponents <500. If he does not succeed, than he is a total newb. But if he succeeds (once again, no documentation on that thing, so I can't tell what is "succeeding", and how the first rating is applied for newby), then he plays against <1000. Now he will have a bit tougher times, and he may stuck in something 500-1000. But if he wins, there is an opponent for him who is <1500. You got the idea. And it is not that critical for those who had experience with SupCom, so they actually know how to play game.
Thank you in advance, and here is the picture of Restorer's wreckage.