That other thread might be a bit opinionated, in this forum you can probably find threads for every single unit being overpowered/useless. That being said i sometimes feel seraphim a bit underwhelming esp. vs cybran t2/t3 ( since 99% of ladder players are cybran, no other cases need to be considered

), but it certainly is not as bad as stated in the other thread.
As you said their main characteristic for land is that their t2 stronger the average and their t3 being fairly weak ( mainly for a lack of range). My personal rules of thumb based on that were ( they may be more or less influenced by my playstyle, so take that with a pinch of salt):
- Since the t2 land stage is nice, i'd advise to eco loads here, so that you start the t3 stage with an advantage.
- Maybe even upgrade t3 land first, othuums are good a against t2 land units. They have trouble against the other t3 bots ( mainly bricks and percys), but if you have a numerical advantage from the start this can be equalized to some degree.
- t2 transports dropping t2 bots + t1 arty behind the enemy lines can be really good
- Selens can be really nice, you can get invisible intel on incoming raids and even get vision in the enemy expansions if you leave 1-2 selens hidden in the enemy expansions after every push or even hide them there early on.
<shameless selfpromotion> i made a ui-mod called selen deselect that can help immensly for this by preventing you from accidently moving your cloaked selens and thus revealing their presence </>
their navy is good, their frigates are a bit weaker then the cybran ones but compareable. Seraphim destroyer is argueably the best ( if micro'ed) and their cruiser has some nice long range missiles to take out expansions.
Since inties/asf and gunships( except the cybran one) are basicaly the same, i'll just go over the bombers:
- best t1 bomber
- ok t2 bomber, not so good for sniping ACUs, but can be used to kill t2 power/mexes
- best t3 bomber imo, 2nd biggest aoe and high enough damage to kill a t2 mex in one pass
- good transports with higher health and unit capacity ( not quite sure here)